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September 2003


In This Issue



Travel  Warnings

Requested Cities

Supporting GOFIR

Dates to Watch

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Travel warnings have been issued or updated for the following countries:

Saudi Arabia

Country List

Requested Cities

The following cities have been added to Gofir.com:

Winnipeg, Canada
Patna, India
Turks and Caicos Islands
Oaxaca, Mexico
Manchester, NH USA
Djibouti, Djibouti
Curitiba Brazil
Ibarra, Ecuador
Luxor, Egypt
La Paz, Bolivia
Calicut, India
Treasure Cay, Bahamas
Marsh Harbour, Bahamas
San Jose, Guatemala
Roatan, Honduras
Nagoya, Japan
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Petrozavodsk, Russia
Vilnius, Lithuania
Killeen, Texas, USA
Dover, Delaware, USA
Jaipur, India
Venice, Italy
Chihuahua, Mexico

ALL cities listed on Gofir.com have been requested by our users. Please request cities with airports that have at least 5000 feet of runway or 1500 meters.

Suggest Here!

Supporting GOFIR

We have avoided using those annoying  pop-up ads on GOFIR and make ever attempt to avoid linking to sites that do. The revenue is tempting, but I would not be able to use my own site with ads constantly covering up our important content.  However, some funding needs to be generated if we are going to keep the site running.

We have added content advertising from Google (AdSense) to our site. AdSense delivers text-based AdWords that are relevant to what's on our site. In other words, you should see aviation related links when on aviation related pages. If you're on our Caribbean pages, you should see links relating to Caribbean travel, and so forth. AdSense supports our content and really does make sense. When you click on these links you'll be supporting our site and getting content that you are interested it. WIN, WIN!

Thank you for your continued support and thanks Google for providing a great alternative to annoying internet advertising and SPAM!

Dates to Watch

September 1, 2003. Germany and Italy.  
Turkish Prime Minister Travels to Germany and Italy

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan will pay visits to Germany between September 1-3 and to Italy between September 5-7. Prime Ministry Press Center said in a statement that Prime Minister Erdogan will hold bilateral contacts and inaugurate Berlin office of Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen Association (TUSIAD). Erdogan is expected to meet with German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder and CDU leader Angela Merkel. Erdogan will also meet with representatives of Turkish society in Germany. Erdogan, who will pay a visit to Italy between September 5 and 7, will participate in Ambrosetti Forum in Villa D'este. Erdogan is foreseen to deliver speeches in two sessions and meet with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. SOURCE: Anadolu Agency.

September 1, 1980. JORDAN.
Black September Begins
Jordanian troops drove Palestinian guerrillas out of Jordan. The Black September terrorist group took its name from this policy.

September 1, 1983. SOUTH KOREA.
Kal Flight 007 Shot Down
Korean Air Lines flight 007, on a flight from New York to Seoul, was shot down by Soviet fighters after straying into Soviet airspace. All 269 persons aboard were killed.

September 2, 1991. ESTONIA.
U.S. Recognition
President bush announced on September 2, 1991 that the United States recognized the independence of Estonia. This followed receipt on September 1 of a letter from Soviet president Gorbachev saying the Soviet Union had no objection to such action on the part of the United States. The United States subsequently established an embassy in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia.

September 2, 1991. LATVIA.
U.S. Recognition
President Bush announced on September 2, 1991 that the U.S. recognized the independence of Latvia.

September 2, 1991. LITHUANIA.
U.S. Recognition
President Bush announced on September 2, 1991 that the United States recognized the independence of Lithuania.

September 2, 1945. VIETNAM.
Independence Day
Ho Chi Minh proclaimed the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.

September 3, 1971. QATAR.
Independence Day
Independence gained from the UK.

September 3, 2000. SAN MARINO (ENCLAVE IN ITALY).
Founding Of The Republic

September 4, 1969. JAPAN.
Founding Of Red Army Faction
Radical leftists founded the Sekigunha (Red Army Faction), predecessor of the Japanese Red Army.

September 4, 1992. NEPAL.
Dasain Festival
Hindu festival.

September 4, 1992. SRI LANKA.
Dasain Festival
Hindu festival.

September 5, 1987. BURMA.
Demonetization Of Currency
The demonetization of Burmese currency resulted in student riots.

September 5, 1973. FRANCE.
Saudi Embassy In Paris Seized
Palestinian terrorists seized the Saudi Arabian embassy in Paris, taking five hostages. One hostage was released in France and the others later were released in Kuwait.

September 5, 1977. GERMANY.
Kidnap And Murder By Raf
Hans-Martin Schleyer, president of the west German Employer's Association, was kidnapped and killed in Cologne by Red Army Faction (RAF) terrorists.

September 5, 1973. SAUDI ARABIA.
Saudi Embassy In Paris Seized
Palestinian terrorists seized the Saudi Arabian embassy in Paris, taking five hostages. One hostage was released in France and the others later were released in Kuwait.

September 5, 1960. SENEGAL.
Declaration Of The Republic

Current Dates to Watch

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